Imagine making your own selection decisions with all the confidence, the knowledge and the precision that you need.

Receive ACTIONABLE Insights about the Use of Genetics, Genomics and Biotechnology Tools.

Dr. Elisa Marques Founder of AgFRONT

I founded AgFRONT with one mission in mind: to connect people, expertise and technology to put the Agriculture Industry at the foreFRONT. Being at the foreFRONT requires that we develop our current and future AgBio Leaders to execute one of the biggest challenges ahead: Feeding 9.7 Billion People by 2050.

Featured Articles

Selection Indexes: If you are not in this business to make money, then good luck with your hobby.
The Future of the Breed Associations
7 Lessons to Practice if You Want to Successfully Transition from Academia to Industry

What People Are Saying...

Lorenzo Lasater Isa Beefmasters (Owner)

Very informative!


The workshop was very informative and gave some new perspective on the rapidly changing world of genomics. Elisa correctly made the case that breeders not embracing and investing in genomics would be left behind.

Antonio Manuel García González Presidente de la Asociación Simmental Simbrah Mexicana

Me gustó mucho tu artículo!


Me gustó mucho tu artículo (3 Reglas de Oro para un Programa de Mejoramiento Genético Libre de Estrés). Se entiende de manera clara los pasos a seguir. Muchas felicidades y gracias por hacerlo. Saludos

Jeralyn Novak Communications Coord. for Beefmaster Breeders United

How all the pieces work together


Prior to the workshop, my confidence and knowledge was somewhat average and now I have a better understanding of how all the pieces work together and can explain the importance of genomics to our Beefmaster members.

Matthew McClure Geneticist at Irish Cattle Breeding Federation

Great Resource!


Well done. You have developed a great resource for unbiased information and insights that aren't afraid to push the boundaries of where genomics could go.

Dr. Elisa Marques


The foundation of any efficient system

Implementing a herd's genetic improvement strategy can be a daunting task. 

Genomic testing can be as simple as parentage testing or a full-scale genomic profile.
